Privilege as "Networks of Support": Working to be Anti-Bias and Anti-Racist

SAME works to gather people of all backgrounds around the shared values of belonging and phenomenal food to build a fully inclusive, anti-racist multicultural organization. To ensure that this mission of inclusivity is not lost, we have a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Committee which meets regularly to collaborate on how SAME can continuously better its efforts as an organization.

One of the key pillars in our commitment to being an anti-bias and anti-racist organization is understanding privilege and its role in shaping our societal structures. We recognize that privilege is not just an individual attribute but operates within interconnected networks of support that profoundly influence our lived experiences. Privilege, as networks of support, serves as a protective barrier against falling into poverty. These networks can encompass various factors such as socioeconomic status, education, family support, and access to opportunities. When individuals possess these privileges, they are less likely to face the harsh realities of poverty and its associated challenges.

Conversely, the absence of these networks puts someone at a significantly higher risk of homelessness and other vulnerabilities. The lack of access to critical resources and support can lead to a cycle of disadvantage, making it harder for individuals to break free from the grip of homelessness and poverty.

It is crucial to recognize that the majority of people experience both privilege and oppression simultaneously in varying degrees and in varying ways. These experiences deeply impacts our worldview and interactions with others, but it's vital to understand that not everyone has the same experiences as we do. Acknowledging these complex dynamics is an essential step towards fostering empathy, understanding, and inclusivity within our communities. We understand that privilege, while often invisible to those who possess it, shapes the way individuals navigate the world. It can create a stark contrast in lived experiences, making certain aspects of life easier for some while presenting significant barriers for others.

Recognizing and comprehending these inherent advantages and disadvantages is fundamental to our journey towards being actively anti-racist and anti-bias. By understanding privilege, we can actively work towards dismantling systemic racism and creating a more equitable society. As an organization, we are committed to promoting dialogue, offering resources, and creating opportunities for learning and growth, all in the pursuit of a fairer, more just world.

Optional Video: Explanation of Networks of Support

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