What it Means to be a Mutual Aid Organization

SAME operates as a mutual aid organization in that, at our core, we are by the community for the community. We are helping each other, there is no “us” vs. “them” dichotomy at play in which we “other” those in need. All of us are in this together and we work to reduce the stigma of organizations like ours separating the community into those in need vs those who give back. Everyone in our community needs something and everyone gives something in return.

SAME Cafés reach a larger audience than just those who want to give back to their community via financial means. We recognize that everyone has the impulse to give back and we want to provide meaningful ways for all to act on it. As many guests have told our staff, SAME Café is the one place where many can actually feel that they are able to give back to their communities despite their circumstances.

Listen to the stories below from Brad of guest feedback that emphasize how important this space is in our community.

Optional Video: Stories from Guests

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